FTP from windows to Mainframe


C:\Documents and Settings\Foo\Desktop>ftp ftpserver  
/*Here please input username/password*/  
ftp> ascii
200 Representation type is Ascii NonPrint
ftp> quote site lrecl=80 blksize=16000 recfm=fb
200 SITE command was accepted
ftp> put test.txt 'ibmuser.test.psfile(+1)'
200 Port request OK.
125 Storing data set IBMUSER.TEST.PSFILE(+1)
250 Transfer completed successfully.
71 bytes sent in 0 seconds (71 bytes/s)
ftp> quit

Lrecl specifies the record length of 80.
Blksize specifies the block size of 16000.
Recfm specifies the record format of fixed block.
Filename.txt is the windows file name you are going to send from.
IBMUSER.TEST.PSFILE(+1) is the target file name you are sending to, ‘(+1)’ indicates a new file generation each time.

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